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Teeth Sensitivity

Why are my teeth so sensitive?

Sensitivity occurs when the dentin, a porous tissue in your teeth, is exposed. The dentin has microscopic channels, called tubules, which are pathways to the nerve. When dentinal tubules are exposed, due to receding gum tissue or enamel loss, nerves are more easily triggered by certain stimuli causing tooth sensitivity.

There are many over- the- counter products that offer relief for tooth sensitivity.  May I caution you before you try these products.   Without identifying the cause for your sensitivity, you could be masking a potentially serious problem. Too little or too thin gum tissue can lead to tooth loss.

If you are experiencing root sensitivity, call our office today for an evaluation. Covering up the problem will not fix the cause and it could be making the problem worse. The solution could be as minor as wearing a night guard to protect you for grinding your teeth.  You may be using the wrong toothbrush.  If the recession is severe enough a gum graft may be needed.   However, without knowing why your gums have receded it is difficult to know how to remedy the problem.   If recession is untreated, it could lead to tooth loss.




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